18 June 2010

"You will find that man that is looking for someone just your size and height"

When someone has faith in you when you have none in yourself it inspires change.

The other day I was at work, nearing my last day of work. And this kind old faculty member was chatting with me, as he was prone to do when he came to swim. He would always tell me to go see a Doctor about my problem with being up so early, since I was at work at 6. I would laugh. This time I told him not to worry as it was my last early morning there. He asked about my future. As I started telling him I felt like it was so indefinate, so scattered. It was like word vomit coming out, all of these sort of things I thought might be rad but no plans. Come September I would be entirely lost.

After he swam he came and found me in the office studying, he wanted to say goodbye. As we were doing our farewells he said some things that wont soon be forgotten. He wished me luck and then asked what I was going to do when I was in Australia and a handsome Mormon boy looking for someone just my height and size came around. I laughed and shook it off saying I had no idea about Australia or anything but I wasnt too worried about that boy. He told me that it would work out and I was going to Australia.

This man barely knew me. We just spoke and laughed as he would swim some mornings when I was there, and I didnt work mornings consitently. And yet he had faith in me that I had lost. He knew I was going to do something with my life. He knew I was not going to be a little lost sad puppy wandering in September. I wish I had that faith in myself more often.

So I am trying. I am graduated! (I got a view of my Ochem grade on blackboard- and I passed! Holla!) I am going to do something rad this fall. And I will keep my blog posted on it. So as unsure as I am of my life now that I have graduated, I am sure I will do something epic and beautiful. And I have renewed faith in myself. I just finished 4 years at a hard University far away from home. I learned to live on my own and I built friendships that will never end. Yes, I have faith in myself again. I can, and will, make a life for myself now, outside of BYU.


1 comment:

  1. You are going to have a beautiful life. It is only just beginning!!!
